Posts tagged brain development class
How to improve your memory & critical thinking capacity?

In order to solve complex problems and become successful in any field, we must develop our abilities to reflect and to think critically about the problem from different perspectives. Here are the best tips to improve your memory & critical thinking capabilities

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How To Improve Your Focus And Concentration

Did you know…We have created 18 zettabytes of data so far and that number is projected to explode to 175 zettabytes by 2025? What does 175 zettabytes even mean? According to a paper published by the market intelligence company, IDC, called Data Age 2025, if you were to store 175 zettabytes on DVDs, your stack of DVDs would be long enough to circle Earth 222 times. If you attempted to download 175 zettabytes at the average current internet connection speed, it would take you 1.8 billion years to download. Even if you enlisted every person in the world to help with the download, it would still take 81 days. That is an incredible amount of data that we are drowning in today.

Do you find yourself losing focus & concentration due to too much data, information & notification buzzing all around you? Email, Text, WhatsApp, RSS, Social Media and the list goes on.

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