introduction to design thinking for city of toronto

Creating a Better Onboarding Experience for Employees


When you are designing a solution with your customer, not for your customer, you are more likely to discover a solution that adds value, has low risk of failure and the Change Management team loves you because because there is a high level of acceptance or buy-in from the users.

This is what an I&T team at the City of Toronto experienced when they got trained on Design Thinking by Omer.

Thirty (30) employees came together to reimagine the employee onboarding experience by learning and applying tools such as Empathy Map, Customer Journey Mapping, Prototyping and more in a hands-on collaborative workshop.

Design Thinking is a creative problem-solving method that keeps the customer at the forefront during each step of the process

The facilitator broke down the entire process in a very fun and engaging manner to drive his points home. Plus, we have a great onboarding idea now!
— Participant

Driving a culture of innovation at the City of Toronto - by training on Design Thinking